Need to know more?


Expert guidance for supporting people with Autism, intellectual disability, and mental health issues can be found here:


Intellectual Disability Mental Health Core Competency Framework





The Challenge of Co-Occurring Mental Illness and Intellectual Disability in Young People

Professor Julian Troller discusses the relationship between intellectual disability and co-occurring mental health conditions in this webinar, and approaches to assessment and management.

‘The challenge of co-occurring mental illness and intellectual disability in young people: Adapting care to meet the needs’.


For Easy Read booklets, please see the Supporting Patients with Autism in Mental Health Settings webpage. 

Healthy Mind Tool

The Black Dog institute has developed an online ‘Healthy Mind’ tool for individuals with intellectual disability.


A Guide to Communicating with People with a Learning Disability

This resource, produced by Mencap (a leading UK charity for people with learning disabilities), provides a brief introduction to communication, and the problems faced by someone with a learning disability (with recommendations also frequently applicable to Autism Spectrum Conditions).

Click here to download



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