Need to know more?


For further education for Psychiatrists, the RCPSYCH has developed the following CPD modules:

Please note. You will require a CPD eLearning subscription to access this training module


The Australian Psychological Society Training Modules

The Australian Psychological Society has developed a series of four training modules for psychologists focused on Autism.

The training modules can be accessed here.


National Autistic Society Training

Online training focused on a range of topics such as communication, sensory processing, and supporting families.


British Psychological Society Modules

The British Psychological Society have developed 3 modules targeted at psychologists and mental health professionals, to build on their knowledge and skills for working with adults with Autism who are experiencing psychological and mental health problems. The three modules cover:

  • Building awareness of Adult Autism  
  • Supporting adults with Autism
  • Psychological work with adults with Autism

These modules can be accessed here (pruchase required to access modules)


Foundations in Autism for Mental Health Professionals

This course is aimed at upskilling mental health professionals in evidence-based practice in clinical assessment and mental health treatment for verbal children, adolescents and adults with Autism and/or mild intellectual disability. 

Click here to access the E-Course


Web Resource on Autism Spectrum Disorders

 A free and comprehensive review of Autism and how to support Autistic people in health care settings, developed by the Scottish NHS.

Click here for more information. 


Mindful, the Centre for Training and Research in Developmental Health (Melbourne)

Mindful provide professional training relevant to numerous aspects of diagnosis and management. 

Click here for more information. 


Graduate Certificate in Autism Diagnosis

The University of Western Australia provides an opportunity to pursue a Graduate Certificate in Autism Diagnosis.




The following books are useful resources to develop professional knowledge about Autism Spectrum Disorders:

Aspergers & ASD Level 1

These two books, written by Tony Attwood, are well known texts outlining Asperger’s syndrome, or ASD Level 1, bringing together information relevant throughout from childhood to adult years, with case histories:


ABC of Autism

By Munib Haroon

A succinct guide to Autism tailored to GPs and multidisciplinary staff.


Autism Spectrum Disorders Through the Lifespan 

By Digby Tantam

This book summarises assessment, diagnosis, treatment, intervention and support of individuals with ASD, and examines their implications at various stages of life


Essentials of Autism Spectrum Disorders Evaluation and Assessment

By Celine A. Saulnier, Pamela E. Ventola and Katherine D. Tsatsanis


Handbook of Assessment and Diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder

 Edited by Johnny  L. Matson


Autism: A New Introduction to Psychological Theory and Current Debate

 By Sue Fletcher-Watson & Francesca Happe


NeuroTribes: The Legacy of Autism and How to Think Smarter About People Who Think Differently

 By Steve Silberman


Spectrum Women, Walking to the Beat of Autism

Edited by Barb Cook & Dr Michelle Garnett

This is an edited collection reflecting on issues affecting Autistic women. Well-known Autistic contributors provide advice and support to their peers with Dr Michelle Garnett providing additional professional commentary.


The Guide to Good Mental Health on the Autism Spectrum

By Jeanette Purkis, Emma Goodall & Jane Nugent


CBT for Children and Adolescents with High-Functioning Autism Spectrum Disorders

By Angela Scarpa, Susan Williams White & Tony Attwood


The following books are useful professional resources regarding Autism Spectrum Disorders and mental health conditions:

The Oxford Handbook of Autism and Co-Occurring Psychiatric Conditions

 Edited by Susan W. White, Brenna B. Maddox, & Carla A. Mazefsky


A Clinician’s Guide to Mental Health Conditions in Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorders: Assessment and Interventions

Edited by Eddie Chaplin, Debbie Spain, & Jane McCarthy

An informative professional guide for clinicians explaining assessment and treatment for mental health conditions in adults with Autism Spectrum Disorders.


Mental Health Aspects of Autism and Asperger Syndrome

By Mohammad Ghaziuddin

Addresses information about psychiatric problems in people with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASDs), describing the emotional and psychological difficulties that are often encountered with ASDs.



A Guide to Mental Health Issues in Girls and Young Women on the Autism Spectrum. Diagnosis, Intervention and Family Support

By Dr Judy Eaton


Working with Girls and Young Women with an Autism Spectrum Condition, A Practical Guide for Clinicians

By Fiona Fisher Bullivant


OCD and Autism. A Clinician’s Guide to Adapting CBT

By Ailsa Russell, Amita Jassi, & Kate Johnston, illustrated by David Russell

This book outlines adaptations to CBT approaches for comorbid OCD and Autism, with step-by-step guidance and accompanying tools and worksheets available to download.


Autism and Eating Disorders in Teens: A Guide for Parents and Professionals

By Fiona Fisher Bullivant and Sharleen Woods


The following professional groups are active in WA. 

  • A registered peer review group for Psychiatrists interested in Autism meets monthly and the RANZCP Section of Psychiatry of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities meets during the year. Contact Details are available through the RANZCP WA branch.
  • For diagnosticians, the Western Australian Diagnosticians Forum (WAADF) details are located here


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