People may find it hard to express themselves when distressed, and that executive functioning difficulties, such as organisational difficulties, are likely to be magnified under stress. This may be especially prominent when consulting with a new health professional, or in an unfamiliar environment. Practical supports and accommodations can make a big difference.
The following range of practical resources have been developed by the Autism Association to support mental heath professionals in their work with individuals on the Autism Spectrum, as well as assisting individuals in their interaction with mental health services.
This resource provides a framework for Autistic individuals to introduce themselves to new clinicians, and aims to foster improved communication around individual needs, and facilitate planning for accommodations.
Click here to download
Communication cards may be useful to assist in communicating in situations that are overwhelming or confusing. Communication cards can be used as a prompt to know what to say, or used instead of verbal communication. If an individual already has an augmentative and alternative communication device, please encourage them to use it.
You can view the guide to using the Communication Cards here, which also contains printable versions of the cards.
Digital versions of the communication cards have also been developed to support, with the appropriate identification of the person with Autism:
If you would like a variation of these resources, please contact
This booklet is suitable for people with Autism to help book, prepare for, and attend their appointments. It also contains a one-page ‘appointment plan’ which summarises the person’s appointment (e.g. where they are going, how they will get there, what to bring).
Click here to download
This resource has been developed to help Autistic people plan ahead, and be a reminder of questions they want to ask during an appointment where medication is being discussed with the treating doctor.
Click here to download