Need to know more?


The following resources have been developed to help people with Autism:

Know My Spectrum

You can fill in this document to help health professionals get to know you better, with suggestions for how they can make appointments easier for you.

Click here to download. 


Communication Cards

You can use communication cards if you feel very stressed, ‘shut down’ or unable to find your words, so that the person you are seeing can understand what you are feeling or need help with.

You can view the guide to using the Communication Cards here, which also contains printable versions of the cards.

We have also developed digital versions of the communication cards to support with the appropriate identification of the person with Autism:

If you would like a variation of these resources, please contact Health.Project@autism.org.au.


Preparing for an Appointment

This document will help you prepare to book an appointment, and plan ahead for what to bring.

Click here to download. 


Medication Plan

If you take medication, this guide can help you remember what questions you want to ask, or information you want to tell your doctor about your medication.

Click here to download. 

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