It is important to be familiar with the range of resources available to support people with different needs effectively.
Below are some clinical resources that can help support people with Autism. You can access additional supports, developed by the Autism Association of WA, related to making appointments a success here.
This brief introductory guide to Autism for health professionals has been developed by the Autism Association of WA to help clinicians understand Autism, and outline suggestions for accommodations when working with people with Autism.
Click here to download.
This document developed by the Autism Association of WA, has been developed to provide key information and strategies for health professionals to best support Autistic individuals
Click here to download.
This document aims to help those working in mental health and crisis services, to support young Autistic people experiencing a mental health crisis. provides an excellent resource of easy read health education booklets designed to be accessible for people with Autism and/or learning disabilities to read and understand. Topics include information about specific conditions or what to expect during medical assessments and investigations (e.g. blood tests, EEG, CT scans).
The Royal College of Psychiatrists have produced leaflets describing Anxiety, Bipolar Disorder, Depression, Psychosis and Autism in an accessible format for individuals with learning disabilities, which may also be relevant for a number of Autistic individuals. These can be found here.
The University of Birmingham has produced easy read medication leaflets for 35 psychotropic medications, as well as audio recordings of medication information for those with reading challenges.
The University of New South Wales (NSW) has produced easy read resources on mental health services in NSW.
South West Yorkshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust has produced a checklist based on guidance regarding physical environment contained in the NICE guidelines on Autism Spectrum Disorder.
Ambitious About Autism is an Autistic led organisation that has produced a high quality resource for individuals on the Autism Spectrum to identify and track changes in their emotions and behaviours.
Molehill Mountain is an app developed in collaboration with Autistica to help Autistic people understand and self-manage anxiety:
This free downloadable “Anxiety Buster Tool” developed by Healthwatch South Hampton provides an excellent visual social story framework to help clients with ASD anticipate and plan ahead for unfamiliar situations, which are commonly a cause of increased stress.
There are numerous online resources that clinicians may wish to view or to share with Autistic Individuals, for further education as well as celebration of the strengths that come with neurodiversity.
When thinking and talking about Autism, it can be important and useful to consider the positive attributes associated with the Autism Spectrum. This poster provides a succinct and visually appealing resource to supplement this conversation.
The following animation videos are useful as educational tools to learn about Autism for individuals, families and carers:
This page contains a comprehensive list of recommended resources which may be beneficial for individuals with Autism, or their families