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Clinical Resources

The following resources may be helpful in supporting women with Autism.

Autistic Women & Girls

The Autism Association of WA has developed a poster which shows some examples of how Autism may appear in females.

Click here to download. 


The Female Autism Conundrum

This webinar is presented by Spectrum News and explores the experiences of female individuals with Autism. 

Access the webinar here.


Girls and Women on the Spectrum: Challenges with Diagnosis and Intervention

In this webinar, Kathy Koenig, MSN, discusses the complexities of diagnosing girls and women with Autism and describes the different challenges for intervention that families face

Access the webinar here.


Yellow Ladybugs

Yellow Ladybugs is an Australian non-government organization dedicated to the understanding and advancement of autistic women and girls. They have produced a useful and concise resource guide to understanding the female Autism phenotype, useful for clinicians, individuals and families alike.


Autism: It’s Different in Girls

An article exploring the difference in presentation of Autism in girls and women, as well as misdiagnosis: Autism: It’s Different in Girls



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