Do you need urgent assistance?
If you find yourself needing urgent support, or in the event of an emergency, please immediately contact:
- Ambulance – 000
- Crisis Care – 1800 199 008
- Health Direct GP Helpline – 1800 022 222
- Lifeline – 13 11 14
- Mental Health Emergency Response Line – 1300 555 788 (Perth Metro), 1800 676 822 (Peel Region)
- Police – 13 14 44
- Suicide Call Back Service (24/7) – 1300 659 467
Other important contacts for urgent support:
Beyond Blue (24/7)
1300 224 636Carers Gateway (8am-5pm, Monday-Friday)
1800 422 737Carers WA (8.30am-4.30pm, Monday-Friday)
1300 227 377Kids Helpline (24/7)
1800 55 1800Ngala Parenting Line (8am-8pm, 7 days)
1800 111 546Parentline WA (24/7)
1800 654 432RuralLink (4.30pm-8.30am, Monday-Friday / 24 hours, Saturday-Sunday)
1800 552 002, 1800 720 101 (for hearing impaired callers)SANE Mental Health Service (10am-8pm AEST, Monday-Friday)
1800 187 263Sexual Assault Resource Centre (24/7)
1800 199 888
Online webchat and text contacts for urgent support (24/7 services):
Chat confidentially with a professional crisis supporter online or via SMS.
- Beyond Blue WebChat
- Kids Helpline WebChat Counselling
- Lifeline Crisis Chat
- Lifeline Crisis Text Service – 0477 131 114