
Ready to make a donation?

Choose how you wish to make your contribution and make a difference to those with Autism.

To pay via your bankcard, Visa card or Mastercard please use our secure online credit card donation facility.

To send a cheque or money order, please make it payable to the Autism Association of Western Australia (Inc) and post to Locked Bag 2 Subiaco Western Australia 6904.

Alternatively phone our office during business hours on (08) 9489 8900 to make a donation via telephone.

You can contact our fundraising team on fundraise@autism.org.au to request a brochure if you would like to give it to your employer or community organisation to discuss supporting our work. 

Another simple way to help us is to make regular donations every month, quarterly, half yearly or annually from your credit card.

Contributing regularly allows us to plan services based on the commitment you and others make to us.

To make it easier for you at tax time, you will receive a receipt at the end of each financial year showing all of your contributions.

You can change your automatic donation immediately at any time by simply contacting us.

Please contact us on (08) 9489 8900 if you are interested in becoming a regular supporter or simply print out and fill in the form below. We sincerely thank you for your support.

Credit Card Donation Pledge Form

A novel way to make a contribution is to ask friends and families to make a donation instead of buying you gifts, if you have a special celebration or milestone coming up.

If you would like to support us in this way contact us on (08) 9489 8900. We sincerely thank you for your support.

A bequest is when you make a gift through your will. Gifts can be large or small but in this way you can make difference into the future. You will be making a lasting contribution to others and helping us deliver on our mission.

Your gift can be:

  • A specific sum of money.
  • A percentage of your estate.
  • A specific asset of your estate, such as property, shares, art, jewellery, or items for fundraising prizes.
  • The part of your estate, that remains after specific and general bequests to family, friends and other organizations have been made.

To find out more about bequests, please contact us on (08) 9489 8900 or see our brochure on making a bequest in your will.

One of the most cost effective and easy ways to donate is to set up a regular donation as part of your payroll deductions.

Your deduction will be made pre-tax, thus providing an immediate benefit to you in the form of a tax deduction. The Autism Association of Western Australia is approved to receive tax deductible donations by the Australian Tax Office.

Ask your employer or payroll department how you can make a regular payroll deduction. You are able to change these arrangements at any time.

Donate your containers and help us! Collect your containers and make a donation using our scheme ID (C10288573) when you return your containers to your nearest Refund Point. We’ll get 10 cents for each container. You can find your nearest refund point here and find out more about this fundraiser here.

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