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Autism Diagnosis in Western Australia

A diagnosis provides Autistic individuals an understanding of their strengths and difficulties and the support they need in achieving their goals and a good quality of life.

What is Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)?

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), otherwise known as Autism, is a lifelong developmental disability that affects how a person communicates with and relates to others. It also affects how they make sense of the world around them. The word ‘spectrum’ is used because Autism can impact individuals in different ways.

A diagnosis of Autism can assist others to understand the person’s support needs in education, making friends, participating in activities, finding employment, living independently, and in achieving a good quality of life.

What is the purpose of an Autism Assessment?

Our assessment will review whether the person meets the criteria for Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and may also identify other developmental conditions.


Subsidised Cost of Assessment

The Autism Association heavily subsidises the cost of an assessment. The completed assessment including the report, case conference and post-diagnostic assistance is $1,700 per assessment. There is a Medicare Rebate of approximately $452, making the net cost approximately $1,250 per assessment.


Financial Hardship

Where a family is experiencing financial hardship e.g. in receipt of government pension, Health Care Card or receiving unemployment assistance, please contact our clinic at diagnosis@autism.org.au or (08) 9489 8900 so we can discuss further minimisation of cost.

To find out more about Autism assessments, click on the relevant age bracket below: 

  • Autism Diagnostic Clinic for 2 to 7 years old

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  • Autism Diagnostic Clinic for 8 to 18 years old 

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The Autism Association does not currently have appointments for adults over 30 years of age. However, we have a fact sheet which includes information on how to access diagnostic assessments outside of the Association. Click here to download a copy.


Contact us about our specialist Diagnostic service today

Phone: (08) 9489 8900

Email: diagnosis@autism.org.au

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