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Making it Work at Work

Let’s Make it Work

Individuals with Autism offer many strengths, skills and talents to the workplace. They can be change-makers, bringing diverse thinking and perspectives to our communities and businesses.  

Together we can create an employment opportunity for a person with Autism and find you the team member you’ve been looking for!

Many individuals with Autism work in jobs they love, with very supportive employers who value their unique skills and personalities. Finding sustainable and enjoyable employment is difficult enough. For jobseekers with Autism it presents challenges, however with the right support, determination, and a willingness to succeed it is possible to help people with Autism be part of the working community and thrive.

About AIM

As the only specialist Autism employment service in Australia, we provide comprehensive support to individuals to find jobs that are matched to their goals, skills, and abilities. Our AIM Employment Program is a highly regarded specialist employment service focusing on securing and maintaining employment for people with Autism. The AIM Employment Program is a recognised Disability Employment Services (DES) provider, funded by the Australian Government, and is a free service. Job Seekers may also use their NDIS funding to access this service.

The AIM Employment program assists employers to benefit from the many attributes an employee with Autism has to offer and supports employers and employees in making it work at work. Employment opportunities encompass a range of work settings from individual commercial environments to supported group business partnerships.

Each employee is provided on the job training and continuing support tailored to their needs and employers receive support in creating an inclusive workplace. Open employment, which can be anywhere from eight hours per week to full-time and in many industries, including real estate, IT, finance, administration, warehousing, pharmacy and commercial laundries. Businesses looking to employ a person with Autism benefit from Autism awareness training, support from an Autism specialist, and government incentives to assist with training and paying wages.

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Why Candidates with Autism make Great Employees?

Individuals with Autism have the need to feel a meaningful connection to their job and to like what they do.

As an employer, aside from encouraging diversity in the workplace and providing someone with a valued status in the community, you will also be employing a reliable team member. Recent research has shown that employees with Autism outperform co-workers without Autism in regards to:

  • Attention to detail
  • Quality of work
  • Work ethic

Employees with Autism also display above average proficiency in some, or all, of the following:

  • Concentration and memory
  • Problem-solving skills
  • Technical ability

A recent research study conducted by Curtin University confirmed that one of the key success factors of employment of people with Autism is the ability of employers to appropriately engage with their employees. The AIM Employment Program is here to give you the knowledge and resources to successfully employ an individual with Autism.

Many employers generally appear conflicted and reluctant to hire an individual with a disability, due to misconceptions or a lack of knowledge regarding the disability itself. Every workplace in Australia can contribute to lifting the employment of individuals with Autism by making a few small changes towards creating an inclusive workplace.

The findings from the Curtin University research study confirmed that an increase in employment participation of individuals with Autism can be achieved by:

  • Building employers capacity to provide support to employees with Autism
  • Raising awareness about Autism among employers

Frequently asked questions

An AIM Employment team member will remain on the job until the job seeker and the employer are confident the work is being completed satisfactorily.

In some cases, job seekers may undertake a free work trial prior to commencing paid employment. Insurance cover is provided for all job seekers who are on a work trial.

In addition, we’ll also provide support with:

  • On the job training, when required.
  • Accessing financial incentives (see below).
  • Assistance with appropriate Award Coverage and industrial relations issues.
  • The provision of information and education on Autism for co-workers.

Please contact our team for more information on the support available to you and your workplace.

There are two main financial incentives for employers provided through JobAccess, an initiative of the Australian Government:

  1. A wage subsidy:
    Employers may be eligible for a wage subsidy of up to $1,650 as an incentive to employ job seekers with a disability. This can help cover the costs of wages and training in the first few months of employment.
  2. The Supported Wage System (SWS):
    Most people with a disability work at productivity levels equivalent to their co-workers and receive a full award wage. However, if a person with a disability is not able to work at the same productivity levels as their co-workers, then you may consider the SWS. An approved assessor will identify a work productivity rate in the form of a percentage of the acceptable standard for that work classification. Employers can only employ people with a disability under this system if the applicable industrial award or instrument contains such provisions; most modern awards do so.

All paperwork involved for both of the above financial incentives will be organised and completed by AIM Employment.

  • Individually supported:
    Initially, intensive support is provided by an AIM Employment team member, followed by regular visits to the workplace to ensure a successful outcome for both the employee and employer.
  • Group supported:
    Where an AIM Employment team member is permanently on site to assist both the employee with Autism and employer, where appropriate.

All job seekers are subject to the same human resource procedures of the business for all other staff. For example, a probationary period, attendance and workplace behaviour.

Often before a job placement occurs the job seeker will participate in a work experience trial instead of, or as well as, an interview.

Face-to-face interviews do not always allow for job seekers to demonstrate their skills and strengths effectively. Work experience can provide a better insight into the abilities of the person and ensure a good fit for both job seeker and employer.

Please note, work experience trials are covered by the Autism Association of Western Australia’s insurance policy.

The AIM Employment Program is a recognised Disability Employment Services (DES) provider.

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