
We offer a range of social skills programs for Autistic children and teens delivered as part of our comprehensive School Age Therapy service including: 

  • Sports Academy

  • Social Magic


  • PEERS® 

Our social skills programs focus on self-awareness, understanding others, communication, and building friendships.  

These programs are delivered in small groups and are provided as a part of our comprehensive therapy service and are only available to families currently accessing School Age Therapy services with us.  

Scroll down to find out more about each of the groups available. 

Sports Academy

Facilitated by our therapy team and specialist sports coaches, Sports Academy supports children and teens to play a range of sports and interact with peers in a safe and supported environment.  

Taking place during the January, April and October school holidays, Sports Academy runs over two full days. During the program, attendees have the opportunity to try a range of different sports and find the ones they enjoy most.  

Following Sports Academy, we support families to link in with their local community sports programs, based on their academy experiences.  

Express your interest and see upcoming program dates in the drop downs below.

2025 Program Dates:

  • January School Holidays | Tuesday 14th and Thursday 16th January 2025 | EOIs are now closed
  • April School Holidays | Tuesday 22nd and Thursday 24th April 2025 
  • October School Holidays | Tuesday 7th and Thursday 9th October 2025 


  • 9.30am-3.30pm each day at Lords Recreation Centre in Subiaco
  • For children with a diagnosis of Autism in school years 4 to 6

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2025 Program Dates:

  • January School Holidays | Wednesday 15th and Friday 17th January 2025 | EOIs are now closed 
  • April School Holidays | Wednesday 23rd April 2025 
  • October School Holidays | Wednesday 8th and Friday 10th October 2025 


  • 9.30am-3.30pm each day at Lords Recreation Centre in Subiaco
  • For teenagers with a diagnosis of Autism in school years 7 to 11

Express your interest


Social Magic

Developed by the Autism Association, the Social Magic program is a social skills curriculum focused on self-awareness, understanding others, communication, and friendships. 

The program consists of five therapy groups tailored to the specific support needs and goal areas of participants.

These five magical topics are Making Magic, Social Sorcerers, Mystical Bites, Fantastical Feasts, and Myths and Magic.

Each program runs over eight weeks from 3.30pm to 5.30pm and is offered from different locations across the Perth metro area.


Click here to see the 2025 timetable

Click here to see the flyer

Making Magic – Suitable for children in school years 2-6

Develop early social skills such as turn taking, sharing and Initiating conversations with others.

ELIGIBILITY: Suitable for children in school years 2-6 who may require a higher level of support to engage in a group setting.




Social Sorcerers – Suitable for children in school years 2-6

Develop advanced social skills including reading body language, understanding emotions in ourselves and others and emotional regulation.

ELIGIBILITY: Suitable for children in school years 2-6 who require low to moderate support to engage in discussion-based group activities.




Mystical Bites– Suitable for children in school years 7-12

Learn how to make snacks and develop awareness of safety and hygiene in the kitchen.

ELIGIBILITY: Suitable for children in school years 7-12 who may require a higher level of support to engage in a group setting.




Fantastical Feasts– Suitable for children in school years 7-12

Use teamwork to cook some fantastical meals and develop independence skills in the kitchen.

ELIGIBILITY: Suitable for children in school years 7-12 who require low to moderate support to engage in group discussions and activities.




Myths and Magic – Suitable for children in year 6

Learn skills and strategies to prepare for the transition from primary school to high school.

ELIGIBILITY: Suitable for children in year 6 who are preparing to transition to high school.




Express Your Interest

If you are currently accessing therapy services with us, speak to your therapist to register for Social Magic. 

If you are not currently accessing therapy services at the Association, call (08) 9489 8900 or email autism.advisor@autism.org.au


KONTAKT® is a 16-week social skills program for Autistic children and young adults aged from 12–17 years.  

Delivered through small groups, KONTAKT® provides an opportunity for motivated teenagers to further advance their social skills, develop their ability to manage more complex social challenges and practice using these skills in a supportive social space. The program utilises participantled, shared discussions which explore a variety of socially relevant themes. 

The KONTAKT® program incorporates an initial assessment meeting and 16 weekly group sessions. It also involves home practice; three parent sessions; a community excursion; the development of personalised social skills goals; a summary report, and optional follow-up sessions. 

We are pleased to offer this program following the success of our KONTAKT® Social Skills Group Research Trial in partnership with the Curtin Autism Research Group and the Karolinska Institute of Neurodevelopmental Disorders.  


  • Term 1 and 2 2025 | GROUP AT CAPACITY 
    Wednesdays | Online 
    Commences week 3, term 1 (19th February) and concludes week 8 of term 2 (18th June). 
  • Term 3 and 4 2025 | PLACES AVAILABLE 
    Thursdays | Midland 
    Commences week 3, term 3 (7th July) and concludes week 8 of term 4 (4th December). 

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Portrait of beautiful smiling teenage girl spending time together with her friends.

PEERS® Adolescents Program

The Program for the Education and Enrichment of Relational Skills (PEERS®) is a leading research-based social skills program for individuals experiencing social challenges and has a strong evidence base for use with adolescents and young adults with Autism. You can find out more about this program here.  

The PEERS® group suits adolescents aged 15-18 years who have:

  • An Autism diagnosis; and  
  • Good verbal communication.

Sessions are facilitated by experienced speech pathologists, occupational therapists, social workers and educators from the Therapy and Clinical Services team over a 16-week period.

During each session participants learn important social skills and are given the opportunity to practice these skills.

Throughout the program, a social mentoring coach is also required to attend each week to learn strategies to support the young adult in effectively implementing these skills. This may be a parent, sibling, or support worker.

Upcoming Programs:

  • Shenton Park 
  • Tuesdays, 5:15pm – 6.45pm
  • Autism Association of WA, Shenton Park 
  • Commencing Tuesday 13th May and running until Tuesday 9th September 2025.  

Express Your Interest 

If you are currently accessing therapy services with us, speak to your therapist to register for PEERS®. 

If you are not currently accessing therapy services at the Association, call (08) 9489 8900 or email autism.advisor@autism.org.au. 

Your Stories

I'd just like to say that Andrew is loving Kontakt. He really enjoys the company of all the kids and looks forward to it every week. He is also in such a good mood after the group ends each week and he likes to chat about some of the funny things that you all did, like today asking questions that had to be answered with baked beans.

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Rikki, Andrew's Mother
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