
The Provisional Psychology Academy established by the Autism Association of Western Australia aims to build capacity and create opportunities for early career psychologists to pursue their chosen profession in disability services, community-based mental health services and child and youth services care. This is achieved through a comprehensive program that creates a pathway between your tertiary studies and becoming a registered psychologist.

The Provisional Psychology Academy offers a program for provisional psychologists that includes Board-approved supervision, external internship placements, and tailored professional development — all at no cost.

The Academy provides: 

  • An integrated program of Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) Board-approved supervision.
  • Tailored training and professional development opportunities.
  • Opportunities for psychological practice across settings, age groups, and in a range of geographic locations suited to you. 
  • Regular opportunities for provisional psychologists to network and connect with peers.

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Click on the sections below to learn more about the Provisional Psychology Academy, including program structure, eligibility and our tutors.  

Internship Program: 5+1 pathway to general registration

Duration: One-year full time or extended part-time under special circumstances.

Eligibility (Essential Criteria): Completion of an Australian Psychology Accreditation Council (APAC) accredited five-year psychology qualification (e.g. Master of Professional Psychology). Registered as a provisional psychologist with AHPRA.

Eligibility (Desirable Criteria)
: First Nations or CALD applicants. Employed in a high-need area like disability services, community, or child and youth mental health.

Objectives: The Academy aims to provide no-cost Board-approved supervision, in addition to assistance in finding internship opportunities for provisional psychologists to pursue a career in the disability and mental health sectors. The Academy provides two pathways to general registration. You will either: i) be provided with an internship at the Autism Association of Western Australia, or ii) be supported to undertake an internship at an alternative service of your choice in metropolitan or regional Western Australia.


  • Placement: Minimum of 35 hours per week FTE | 1400 hours of psychological practice | 560 hours of direct client contact | 840 hours of client-related activities.
  • Supervision: Total of 80 hours, including 30 hours of group supervision. Supervision ration of 1 hour per 17.5 hours of psychological practice. 
  • Professional Development: 36 hours of live interactive workshops (1 x 3-hour workshop per month)

Outcome: Eligibility for general registration with the Psychology Board of Australia

Help Finding the Best Placement for You

If you have not secured an internship, we will help you find a placement that will allow you to achieve the core competencies and other internship requirements.

High Quality Individual Supervision

We will allocate all provisional psychologists to principal AHPRA Board-approved supervisors who will provide oversight of the internship, individual supervision, and track progress towards achieving general registration.

Learn and Collaborate with Your Peers

All provisional psychologists will have the opportunity to attend monthly group supervision led by our Board-approved supervisors. Group supervision sessions will cover a range of specialist topics and provide a regular opportunity for peer networking and collaboration.  

Continuous Professional Development

Our professional development program is tailored to the needs of provisional psychologists working in the disability sector. Provisional psychologists will attend monthly interactive workshops, which focus on the application of psychological theories to clinical practice. The workshops are aligned with the core competencies for registration, and cover ethical principles and contemporary approaches to assessment, intervention, and evaluation. Workshops are developed and presented by current practicing clinicians with relevant expertise.

Access to the Latest Resources and Learning Support

Provisional psychologists will have access to training and professional development resources enabling them to be up to date with industry standards and perform well in their internship. Continued support from our Professional Engagement Coordinator will be offered to help complete AHPRA documentation within the required timeframes. 

  • Internship Opportunities
    Access to internships with WA organisations in the disability and mental health industry. Our program supports you to secure a 5+1 Internship opportunity aligned with your career goals.
  • Experienced Supervision
    Benefit from high-quality supervision from Board-approved supervisors with extensive experience in the disability sector.
  • Structured Support
    Our comprehensive program includes Board-approved supervision, tailored professional development, and networking opportunities to enhance your learning experience.
  • Intimate Cohort
    Be part of a smaller cohort of provisional psychologists, who are at the same stage of training as you.
  • Funded Opportunity
    Thanks to Government funding, there are no fees for participation in this program as it is funded through the Addressing Critical Psychologist Shortages – Supporting Provisional Psychologists to Practice grant.  

Dr Lauren Taylor is a Clinical Psychologist, Board-approved supervisor, and Adjunct Clinical Lecturer at the University of Western Australia. She has extensive academic, research, and clinical experience in the disability sector. As an academic, Lauren developed and co-ordinated the Graduate Certificate in Autism Diagnosis. She has authored several peer-reviewed publications and book chapters focused on Autism and related neurodevelopmental conditions. Her research has had important policy implications, with the results setting the foundation for the development of the National Guideline for the Assessment and Diagnosis of Autism in Australia.

In her clinical work, Lauren has supported Autistic people, including those with co-occurring mental health conditions, across the lifespan, and in a variety of settings. Lauren has developed expertise in the assessment and diagnosis of adolescents and adults and appreciates the range of factors that contribute to the later identification of Autism and the different complexities involved in these assessments. She has been trained in a range of specialist diagnostic measures including the ADI-R and ADOS-2 and is an ADOS-2 trainer. She is committed to delivering person-centred assessments that adhere to best clinical practice.

Lauren enjoys teaching and supervision and is passionate about building a psychology workforce skilled in supporting people with disabilities to ensure that all Australians have equitable access to tailored and evidenced-based mental health care.

The Provisional Psychology Academy is committed to fostering diversity and addressing high-need service areas. Priority is given to candidates from: 

  • First Nations Communities
  • Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) backgrounds
  • Those seeking placements in regional, rural and remote areas
  • Roles in community mental health services and child and youth services 

Read What Our Current Provisional Psychologists Have to Say About the Academy

Having the space to connect with each other and feel like we are actively pursuing knowledge related to psychology within the disability context has helped with my morale and confidence.






The Provisional Psychology Academy is funded by the Commonwealth of Australia represented by the Department of Health an
d Aged Care

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