
Keeping you Safe: COVID-19 Updates

The Autism Association is here to support you and your family at this challenging time. The health and welfare of individuals with Autism, their family and carers, is at the forefront of our minds in every decision we make. 

We have a team who meet to review new information and advice on COVID-19 and to make decisions on the best way to support you and your family at this time. The decisions that we make are based on information provided by the Western Australian Department of Health, and the Australian Government. 

Latest Updates


You can learn more about health guidelines in Western Australia on the WA Government website here.  


Services and other information 

All of our services are in operation are being closely monitored to ensure standards of hygiene and safe practices are in place at all facilities. 

If you are visiting an Autism Association office, hub or home, you will need to show proof of vaccination upon arrival and wear a mask. We ask that you stay home if you are unwell, carry out regular hand washing and advise staff if you or your family has been tested for COVID-19 and is awaiting results.  


Our staff policies to help keep you, your family and our staff safe 

All Association staff are fully vaccinated for COVID-19, including a booster vaccination within 1 month of being eligible. This is a requirement of employment. 

All staff are required to wear KN94 or KN95 masks as these provide the highest level of protection. Staff must wear their masks in Shared Living and Short Breaks homes, all hubs and offices, and in vehicles while working. 

We have put in place robust reporting and work requirements for our staff, a Pandemic Response Plan, and a plan for staff shortages if they arise. 



If you have any questions or concerns, please speak to the Coordinator or Therapist who is your key contact. 


Where do I get more information? 

You can call the Coronavirus Health Information Line on 1800 020 080; or we also encourage you to visit WA State Government’s website for the latest information about the COVID-19 virus and its current impacts in your area. We have also collated a lists of helpful links for you – click the useful websites tab above. 

Resources for Download


We’ve collated some great resources that can help support you and your family to navigate COVID-19. 

Our Therapists can also provide custom home therapy packs for you that include visual supports, tips sheets, activities and more! Chat to your Autism Association Coordinator or Therapist today! 

Not accessing services with us? You can get in touch with us here.

In the meantime, the following resources are available to download with more coming soon!  

Useful Websites

Our Therapists have identified the following websites that may prove useful to Families at this time: 

Federal Department of Health:

Health is closely monitoring the COVID-19 pandemic. Our information provides daily updates, answering your questions about the latest news, current facts and figures, travel advice, key contact and phone numbers: https://www.health.gov.au/

A collection of coronavirus (COVID-19) campaign resources for the general public can be found here: https://www.health.gov.au/resources/collections/coronavirus-covid-19-campaign-resources


Check this page regularly for the latest information on the response to coronavirus (COVID-19): https://www.ndis.gov.au/coronavirus

WA Disability Services – WA Dept. of Communities

Information for National Disability Insurance Scheme participants and providers through COVID-19: https://www.communities.wa.gov.au/coronavirus-covid-19/disability-services-covid-19/

Department of Social Services

The Disability Information Helpline provides information and referrals for people with disability who need help because of coronavirus (COVID-19): https://www.dss.gov.au/disability-and-carers/information-and-referrals-for-people-with-disability-and-their-supporters-about-coronavirus-covid-19

WA Department of Health

Updates as new information becomes available:  https://ww2.health.wa.gov.au/Articles/A_E/Coronavirus

WA Covid19 Clinics: https://healthywa.wa.gov.au/Articles/A_E/COVID-clinics

There are enhanced access and sensory clinics at Claremont, Carramar, Kwinana and Midland to support people with disability, have mental health conditions, require a low sensory environment or who may need other additional support to receive their vaccination. You can learn more here: https://rollup.wa.gov.au/articles/vaccine-information-for-people-with-a-disability-or-require-additional-support 

World Health Organisation

Stay aware of the latest information on the COVID-19 outbreak, available on the WHO website and through your national and local public health authority: https://www.who.int/emergencies/diseases/novel-coronavirus-2019

Department of Education

All Western Australian public schools are being supported by the Department of Education to implement a plan in relation to COVID-19. Information for Parents can be found here: https://www.education.wa.edu.au/covid-19

Positive Partnerships

Online learning modules and webinars that cover a wide range of autism-related topics. Free and available at your convenience: https://www.positivepartnerships.com.au/

Raising Children Network

Find information on coronavirus (COVID-19) and protective hygiene, plus tips to help you and your family cope: https://raisingchildren.net.au/guides/coronavirus-covid-19-guide

Student Wellbeing Hub

Find topics and student learning resources on things like dealing with bullying, how to be smart online, and lots more. You can also find games, videos and websites just for you: https://studentwellbeinghub.edu.au/students/

Autism Focused Intervention Resources & Modules (AFIRM

Strategies to support individuals with ASD through uncertain times: https://afirm.fpg.unc.edu/covid19-toolkit

Every Australian Counts

Information about coronavirus – or COVID-19 is changing every day – and information can be hard to find. This website has collated a range of information into one place for people with disability, their families and carers: https://everyaustraliancounts.com.au/ndis-coronavirus-resources/

Resources for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Families

You can watch a number of videos from Dr Mark Wenitong on the Department of Health explaining how to use different kinds of RAT tests here.

The Department of Health also has a collection of videos from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people from all over Australia talking about their experiences getting the COVID-19 vaccine. See this collection of videos here.

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