
Are you looking for training and workshops on Autism in your regional area?

We can design and deliver workshops and seminars to meet the learning needs of your community.


Regional video conferences

Those based in regional and remote areas of Western Australia, including; school staff, clinicians, support staff, parents and carers of people with Autism are invited to make contact with us to arrange video conferences.

To find out more please contact us on freecall 1800 636 427 or alternatively you can email regional.therapy@autism.org.au.

Support for Aboriginal communities

We often coordinate trips to regional areas including Aboriginal communities to provide Autism consultation and support. This can assist with early identification, diagnosis and early intervention.

In particular, we can run Early Days Workshops, which are designed for mothers, fathers, carers and family members of young children (zero to eight years of age) with Autism or those who are undergoing a diagnosis.

The workshops help families to understand how Autism affects their children and can help the child learn skills like toileting and how to play. Workshops for families can occur in their homes or in a place they suggest like a health care centre. Workshops can also be provided to community groups at suggested locations.

To find out more please email us at regional.therapy@autism.org.au.

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