
PLEASE NOTE: This research Project has now closed. We apologise for any inconvenience. We continue to offer a range of therapy groups to as a part of our comprehensive therapy services. For more information on these groups please click here.

Many children find social situations difficult, and this is often true for children with an Autism spectrum diagnosis (ASD). Having the opportunity to practice social skills is likely to help children with ASD improve their everyday social life. To evaluate two social programs, we need your help.


  • KONTAKT© social skills group;
  • ART social group


Children aged 8-12 with ASD (who are enrolled in mainstream school) and their parents/carers.


What to do?

Participate in a screening session to see if your child would benefit from the program (up to 3 hours), if so:

  • Participating in 4 evaluations (up to 60 minute) and an interview after the groups have ended at a Curtin University lab (parent and child).
  • Your child Attending 16 weeks of KONTAKT©/ART social program (4-8 children in each group) for an hour and you supporting him/her.


As this program is part of a research study, there will be no costs for attending.


What are the benefits of this study?

  • The results of this study will allow us to develop 2 social group programs that help Australian children with ASD.
  • Children will have fun and get an opportunity to make new friends.

What are the risks?

Apart from giving up your time and working with tools such as scissors there are no foreseeable risks associated with participating in this study.

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